How to Get A Green Lawn in a Drought
How to Get A Green Lawn
What can you do when it hasn’t rained in months and your green lawn has turned to brown? And water restrictions make it difficult to water your lawn. But there are a few household tricks you can do to help get a green lawn and help the environment along the way!
Use Your Grey Water
Do you know how much of your household water goes down the drain? Why not use your grey water to help bring your lawn back to life? Visit to your local Bunnings store and purchase an Aqua Systems 10m Grey Water Diverter Hose. These hoses can be easily hooked up to your washing machine, allowing all your grey water to be diverted from the drain to your lawn.
Grab a Bucket
A household bucket can save litres of water! Simply add the bucket to your shower to catch any excess water, and then throw it over your lawn or gardens. A bucket in the shower of an average household of 4 people, showering twice a day, can collect up to 60 litres of water. That’s a huge amount of grey water that could be used to help bring your lawn from brown to green!
Use a Tub in the Sink
Adding a plastic tub to your sink may not the prettiest way to do the washing-up but it certainly saves water! If you do the dishes just twice a day in a tub, you can save 30 litres of water from going down the drain. Your lawn will be looking greener in no time!
Water Saving Tips
- Always turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. A running tap can use 10 litres of water per minute!
- Reduce your shower time whenever possible
- Don’t waste cold water as you wait for the water to heat. Fill the kettle and your water bottles.
- Check for leaky taps and toilets
- Install rainwater tanks
- Make sure you have a dual flush toilet. Dual flush toilets can save up to 80 litres of water per day
- Ensure you have water saving shower heads
And for more information on water restrictions, check out the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology website here.
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Brisbane Mulching service is family owned and operated and have a string of happy clients throughout Brisbane, Caboolture and all north Brisbane suburbs. Get in touch here or call John on 0407 174 560 for a chat.